Rob Barrett celebrates his 10-year service anniversary
Rob Barrett, Director of Recruiting, celebrates his 10-year service anniversary.
Rob Barrett, Director of Recruiting, celebrates his 10-year service anniversary.
Chameleon ranks among St. Louis Business Journal’s largest software development firms. View Rankings
Chameleon ranks among the largest IT Consulting Firms in St. Louis Business Journal. View Rankings
Mike Eells, Technical Operations Officer, celebrates his 6-year service anniversary at Chameleon Integrated Services.
Jane O’Malley, Director of Human Resources, celebrates 5-years of service at Chameleon.
Ed Lechner, Facility Security Officer celebrates his 7-year anniversary at Chameleon Integrated Services.
CHAMELEON INTEGRATED SERVICES NAMED A 2019 BUSINESS OF THE YEAR BY ST. LOUIS MAYOR LYDA KREWSON St. Louis, Mo., October 23, 2019 – Chameleon Integrated Services has been named one of the 2019 St. Louis Businesses of the Year by the Office of Mayor Lyda Krewson in recognition of Chameleon’s significant contributions to furthering economic
Lt. Gen. Alan Lynn, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) director and Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN) commander, retired from active duty with more than 38 years of service on Feb. 2, 2018.
Chameleon Kudos is designed to give you a peek into our premier performers here at Chameleon Integrated Services. Employees who are featured exemplify our mission: to be the most agile information technology firm, helping our clients prepare, protect, and prosper.
Lack of Long-Term Funding for the U.S. Federal Government The lack of long-term funding for the United States Federal Government increases the overall risk to the mission of each federal agency. Short-term funding in the form of Continuing Resolutions (CR) have become the norm.